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Expert Q&A Thermal Efficiency

My front door leads straight into my lounge and during the winter it is really hard to keep this room warm, as there is a constant draught. I was planning to replace my front door with a thermally efficient model. Any advice?

David O’Mara, Marketing Manager at Hörmann explains:

“A front door is basically a large hole in the exterior fabric of your home so it is unsurprising that a poorly insulated or ill-fitting door can lead to heat loss and the creation of cold spots and draughts around the home.

“By upgrading to a thermally efficient door you should see an immediate improvement in the inside temperature and draughts will be eliminated. You will also reduce your heating bills, as less heat is wasted through the front door.

“To determine whether a door will be thermally efficient we recommend looking at its UD-value. The lower the U-Value number, the better the door will be at keeping heat inside your home on a cold day. With a UD value of up to 0.87 W/(m²·K) an Hörmann Thermo65 door offers excellent thermal insulation.

“These doors are also highly secure thanks to its multi-point locking system, making it practically impossible to force the door open. This door also comes with a five-year guarantee, giving you complete peace of mind that you have chosen a door that will stand the test of time.”

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