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dara and co CEO, Naomh McElhatton

A new Irish EdTech platform is taking a proactive stance to address the rising challenges of unhealthy relationships.

A survey conducted by dara & co has revealed a stark reality, indicating that over 50% of women aged 35-54 and nearly 25% of men under 45 acknowledge having experienced unhealthy relationships.

The comprehensive survey conducted nationwide has revealed that 54% of respondents acknowledge experiencing feelings of loneliness. This statistic sharply increases among specific demographics, with a staggering 77% of females aged 18-24 and 62% of those uncomfortable with their financial situation reporting heightened feelings of isolation.

A significant 34% of survey participants admit to not loving themselves completely as they are. This sentiment intensifies among specific age groups, reaching 46% among females aged 25-34 and further escalating to 48% among females aged 35-44.

The survey finds that almost 7 in 10...

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