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NCSC welcomes SimpleCyberLife onto their cyber innovators programme

LONDON, 29 July 2020 -, the internet safety subscription service for individuals and families has secured a place on the NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre) Cyber Accelerator programme, which supports cutting-edge tech entrepreneurs in a bid to help develop the next generation of cyber security solutions.

Since its inception in 2017, the ‘NCSC Cyber Accelerator’ programme, funded by the UK Government Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and powered by Wayra, has actively supported the growth of technology start-ups, with previous participants having received in excess of £20million in funding.

Safety tech start-up, founded by cyber security expert Jonny Pelter, are offering a revolutionary service, redefining how the everyday family protects themselves online. The service is grounded in academic research tackling a phenomenon known as ‘security fatigue’, where parents are essentially paralysed by the complexity of online safety which results in not being able to implement any protection at all.

Offering the first end-to-end solution for families, the site helps individuals and parents assess what protection they need (anti-virus, parental controls, privacy settings, etc.), uses automation to get that protection in place and then provides ongoing personal support services for any questions or issues they face along the way.

Cyber security expert and founder of the site, Jonny Pelter said: "This is an incredibly exciting time for us. Being part of the NCSC Wayra accelerator gives us the chance to work alongside some of the best minds in the industry. We have some big plans for our innovative technology and cannot wait to start testing it with families, corporates and schools in a few months time." began the programme earlier this week and are testing the design of their technology and preparing for their first external round of investment.

Jonny is already beginning to see the benefits: “The wider importance of the work we are doing at is dawning on us. We are ultimately going to save lives with our technology and this could have a significant societal impact. Our technology will revolutionise how people protect themselves online and the programme has already helped us fully understand the wider significance of this.”


For media enquires contact: Scarlett Dixon at

Notes to Editors:
Founder, Jonny Pelter, is a fully qualified cyber security professional with extensive media experience. He has over 10 years’ experience in the industry, including CISSP, CIPP/E and CISM accreditations. is the world's first online membership platform offering parents round-the-clock internet safety support to prevent and deal with issues affecting parents, such as cyber-bullying, identity theft, hacking and online grooming. The site soft-launched in Feb 2020 by a team of internet experts with a wealth of knowledge, experience and expertise and has recently been featured on the BBC News.
Jonny is available for expert comment and media interviews at short notice.
High resolution images are available upon request.
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