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CySure appoints cyber specialists EnterpriseRed as a new security and compliance reseller partner in the UK

CySure’s solution cuts through the fog, with clear guidance and support for organisations throughout the GDPR compliance process

Collaborative partnership to help organisations improve compliance and cyber security awareness amongst workforce

London, UK - Cyber security specialist CySure Ltd has appointed EnterpriseRed as a specialist reseller partner in the UK further extending Cysure’s international network of partners across the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, the USA and the UK. The Berkshire-based cybersecurity experts will resell CySure’s information security management system, Virtual Online Security Officer (VOSO).

After conducting a review of their solution portfolio, EnterpriseRed identified a gap for an information security management system to assist with compliance. CySure’s VOSO solution was chosen as it enables customers to manage and demonstrate their compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) simply and effectively. VOSO incorporates both US NIST and UK CE cyber security standards to guide enterprises through the compliance process ensuring the right steps are taken to keep data secure and organisations compliant.

Ian Kennedy-Compston, CEO of EnterpriseRed said, “There is a lot of misinformation about GDPR and the cost and complexity of becoming compliant. CySure’s solution cuts through the fog, with clear guidance and support for organisations throughout the GDPR compliance process. We see VOSO as adding significant value to the GDPR process spreadsheet completion and envisage this product will significantly assist our customers going forward.”

CySure has been accepted onto the UK Government’s G-Cloud 10 digital marketplace. As part of that process the security component of the GDPR was mapped into VOSO, providing an easy to follow, staged approach to GDPR along with all the policies and training videos necessary to complete the compliance process.

Joe Collinwood, Chief Executive Officer of CySure added, “The partnership with EnterpriseRed was borne from a joint philosophy that achieving safety and compliance doesn’t have to be a costly or complex undertaking. However, many small to medium enterprises (SMEs) still don’t have the bandwidth to address this matter effectively despite the risk of data breaches. By utilising VOSO, organisations can enjoy the benefit of a powerful information security management system which interprets government and industry standards to ensure the right steps are taken to keep data safe and the organisation compliant. By partnering with EnterpriseRed, Cysure continues to extend its footprint in the UK market and we look forward to a mutually beneficial relationship.”

For more information on CySure and its full suite of services, visit CySure

About EnterpriseRed
EnterpriseRed is a Berkshire-based business offering support to organisations of all sizes, providing a range of products and services to help predict, protect, detect and recover from the risk’s businesses face from technology, processes or people.
The EnterpriseRed approach is multi-faceted, working with organisations to help them identify, understand and mitigate the risks they face from their technology, people or processes. Covering all aspects of a company’s IT infrastructure, whether on-premise or in the cloud, their training support helps to improve awareness and skills among employees to become a more effective human firewall.

For more information about EnterpriseRed


About CySure
CySure is a cyber security company founded by experts with extensive experience in operational and risk management. The company has offices in London (UK) and California (USA) and CySure’s flagship solution – Virtual Online Security Officer (VOSO) is an information security management system (ISMS) that incorporates GDPR, US NIST and UK CE cyber security standards to guide organisations through complex, emerging safety procedures and protocols, improve their online security and reduce the risk of cyber threats.

CySure also supplies organisations with cyber insurance to supplement their security strategy and offset crippling forensic and remediation costs in the event of a cyber breach.

For more information please visit CySure

Press contact:
Mary Phillips/Andreina West
PR Artistry Limited
T: +44 (0)1491 845553