Following the success of their recent hit Channel 4 documentary Celebrity Save Our Sperm, produced by Crackit Productions, the Society for Reproduction and Fertility (SRF) is delighted to host the stars of the programme for a deeper dive into the battle to improve male reproductive health during their live ‘One Night Stand’ event . Ollie Locke-Locke and Melvin Odoom will join Dr Anand Patel and Professor Richard Lea on stage to put male fertility under the microscope and bare all about their bid to improve their fertility.
The SRF’s ‘One Night Stand’ is a new annual live event in which the SRF partners well-known personalities with a leading scientist in the field of reproduction and fertility for one night only, to spread awareness and tackle the hot topics in reproduction and fertility.
Infertility affects 1 in 6 couples globally. Today, men’s sperm counts are about half of their grandfathers and men account for nearly half of all fertility issues....