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The number of professionals applying for jobs in healthcare fell significantly last month as the sector’s staffing crisis intensified. That’s according to the latest insight from the Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCo).

The data – provided by Veritone Hire – revealed that the number of professionals applying for permanent healthcare jobs almost halved month-on-month in April, down 43% on March’s figures. Applications for contract positions also dropped 35% during the same period.

While permanent vacancies fell 18% month-on-month in April, the 7% uptick in contract vacancies suggests that demand for healthcare isn’t falling, but instead availability of permanent resources remains scarce.

Ann Swain, Global CEO at APSCo explained:

“Our latest data paints the picture of a healthcare sector in crisis. The fall in vacancies is reflective of the continued challenges around hiring, with unfilled roles and over-stretched budgets meaning that historical jobs aren’t being filled. The clear reliance on contract resources demonstrates the scarcity of workers, but what is certainly of more concern is the falling application numbers. The staff shortages in the healthcare remit are growing at an alarming rate. Addressing this is not going to be easy, but as APSCo highlighted in its 2024 manifesto, reshaping requirements and driving consistency within frameworks can have a significant and immediate impact. But this requires a clear and unwavering commitment from Government and policy makers that we haven’t yet seen.”

Press contact
Vickie Collinge
01582 790 705

About APSCo
The Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCo) is the trade association for the professional recruitment market. APSCo Global comprises APSCo Asia, APSCo Australia, APSCo Deutschland and APSCo United Kingdom as well as APSCo OutSource, the trade body for the RPO and MSP sectors.
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