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NEOMA Business School and Maison Veuve Clicquot Expand Their Scholarship Program to Support Female Students

In 2021, Maison Veuve Clicquot and NEOMA Business School, driven by shared values of diversity and equal opportunity, announced the launch of a support scholarship program. Today, this initiative, which provides ten scholarships covering the full tuition fees for ten female students in NEOMA's Grande Ecole Program each year, is being renewed with a new component offering financial support for living expenses.

Awarded based on social, financial, and academic criteria, these annual scholarships are available to French and international students at the school.

“We are very proud to renew this wonderful initiative for exceptional female students, recognizing their courage and giving them the means to achieve their ambitions,” explains Jean-Marc Gallot, CEO of Maison Veuve Clicquot, NEOMA graduate, School Administrator, and President of its International Advisory Board. “This scholarship program perfectly aligns with the DNA of our Maison, founded by a pioneering female entrepreneur, and today working daily to promote women and their audacity.”

This scholarship complements the various diversity initiatives already implemented by NEOMA.

“With the renewal of this scholarship, Veuve Clicquot once again shows us its invaluable support, for which we are particularly grateful,” says Delphine Manceau Dean of NEOMA. “NEOMA has always been deeply committed to issues of equal opportunity and gender diversity, and having a prestigious and committed partner to support our policy in this area is an invaluable asset.”

This year, with the renewal of this scholarship program, Maison Veuve Clicquot has decided to further its commitment by introducing a monthly "living expenses" scholarship for the ten female students in the Grande Ecole Program who are beneficiaries.

“Barriers to education for some young women are a reality that NEOMA is fully aware of,” analyzes Delphine Manceau. “We believe that education plays a crucial role in women's empowerment. With this enhanced scholarship, Maison Veuve Clicquot enables us to go even further by providing these students with the means to finance their studies and pursue them with peace of mind.”

Beyond the scholarships for tuition and living expenses, the beneficiary students are supported throughout their studies by members of the executive committee of Maison Veuve Clicquot. In the spirit of mentorship, these professionals advise them during their schooling to help them successfully carry out their professional projects.

“Our commitment to these brilliant young women goes beyond their student journey. Maison Veuve Clicquot is dedicated to investing sustainably in them, supporting their success as much as possible, and opening the doors of our Maison to them,” concludes Jean-Marc Gallot.

For more information, please contact Olivia Nieberg –

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