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for £500,000, 38% of Britons would think about being shot from a cannon

New research has found that 2/5 of Britons have felt pressured by their peers to do something crazy in return for money or goods. According to the poll, when asked about mad things they would do for the right amount of cash, Britons would consider eating a bogey for a tenner, sell an organ and even fake their own death for half of a million pounds.

A new poll has found that, for £500,000, 38% of Britons would think about being shot from a cannon, 36% would fake their own death, and 35% would shave all their body from the top of their head to toe. Similarly, for £1 Million pounds 31% would consider never speaking with their friends and family again.

The team at conducted the research as part of an ongoing study into British financial attitudes towards betting with friends. 2,412 Britons aged 18 and over were quizzed about the most random, mad things that they would do for extra money.

Initially all respondents were asked ‘Have you ever been paid, in cash or good, to do something mad or extreme by friends?’ to which 41% confessed that ‘yes’ they have. When asked to delve deeper into it, the majority had been dared to either ‘eat or drink something unusual’ (38%) or ‘say something inappropriate or risky to someone’ (32%). A further 6% stated they’d been persuaded to have a tattoo or piercing.

Wanting to expand more, all respondents were then provided with a list of mad things and asked to select all those they’d consider doing if the cash amount given was right, and what amount of money they’d require to do so (£100, £10,000, £100,000, £500,000 or £100,000). The top 10 mad things to do and the average sum Britons would require were revealed as follows:

Eat someone else’s bogey - £100 - 62%
Eat the world’s hottest chilli - £1,000 - 56%
Drink sour milk - £1,000 - 55%
Squeeze someone else’s spots/pimples - £1,000 - 49%
Let a stranger on the street tattoo you - £10,000 - 47%
Sell an organ - £100,000 - 40%
Get shot from a cannon - £500,000 - 38%
Fake your own death - £500,000 - 36%
Shave entire body from head to toe (inc. hair and eyebrows) - £500,000 - 35%
Never talk to certain friends or family members again - £1,000,000 - 31%

According to the poll, a small minority of Britons (1%) would also consider sleeping with an ‘in-law’ for £1,000,000.

Ethan Rowe, Editor in Chief for, commented:

“We’ve all heard of someone that’s done something crazy for money, whether it’s drinking a dirty pint or even eating something well past it’s best-before date, but this takes it to a whole new level. It’s a little worrying that so many Britons would consider faking their own death if the money was right, and we’re surprised that not more Britons would consider eating the world’s hottest chilli, considering how tame it is compared to the others on the list!”

For more info contact Marco Narardi at 07572 189281

This press release was distributed by ResponseSource Press Release Wire on behalf of Betting Spin in the following categories: Men's Interest, Leisure & Hobbies, Women's Interest & Beauty, for more information visit