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Online talent sourcing specialist,, has warned employers not to slip into pre-Covid recruitment ‘bad practices’ as the UK’s restrictions continue to ease and signs of economic recovery appear.

According to the specialist in online recruitment solutions, with reports from the Office for National Statistics revealing that the UK labour market turned a corner in the first quarter of the year, with employment rising 0.2 percentage points, complacent hiring practices must be avoided at all costs.

With the pandemic forcing evolutionary recruitment processes up the corporate agenda, has warned that a return to ‘recruitment-as-usual’ policies and a focus on cost-cutting over the candidate experience could have a longer-term detrimental impact on employer branding.

Instead, has argued in its recent eBook: The Top Five Most Relevant Recruitment KPI’s, that a hybrid of five key performance metrics are needed to keep improve recruitment practices and the candidate experience in 2021 and beyond:

- Cost per hire
- Time to fill
- Source of hire
- Offer acceptance rate
- Retention rate

Noura Dadzie - VP Sales UK & International Markets at commented:

“The pandemic has shifted the employment world drastically and how recruitment is carried out and measured now is vastly different than it was two years ago. And while there was an initial balance shift to a client rather than a candidate led market, for many sectors – especially those feeling the impact of skills shortages on a long-term basis – there isn’t a wealth of readily available, experienced and relevant candidates. It’s important that employers don’t become complacent in their hiring and return to any bad practices that they may have weeded out during the pandemic. Where online hiring processes have been working, for example, a return to in-person interviews or location-specific applications needs will likely be damaging to an employer brand. As the economy continues to show promising signs of recovery, now is the time to embed good hiring practices that will deliver long-lasting, positive changes.”



With over 35 million jobs available in more than 78 countries, has established itself as one of the largest sources of employment around the world. Its mission is to centralise all jobs available on the web, whether they come from companies'​ career websites, staffing agencies or job boards. offers the most diverse and complete content to job seekers and its competitive model brings better results to employers when it comes to ROI and a brands'​ visibility.

Press contact

Vickie Collinge

+441582 790705

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