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- Julien Malaurent has been appointed Executive Vice-President of ESSEC Executive Education,

- Roméo Tédongap has been elected Dean of Faculty,

- Ha Hoang has been elected Dean of Research

As the new academic year begins, ESSEC announces three key changes to senior leadership. Two people have joined the school's executive committee for a three-year term: Julien Malaurent has been appointed Executive Vice-President of Post-Experience Programs and Corporate Relations, and Roméo Tédongap has been elected Dean of Faculty. Additionally, Ha Hoang has been elected Dean of Research for a three-year term.

Julien Malaurent – Executive Vice-President of Post-experience Programs and Corporate Relations, Academic Director of ESSEC Online, Professor of Information Systems

Julien Malaurent is Professor of Information Systems, in the Information Systems, Decision Sciences and Statistics department. He joined the ESSEC faculty in 2013. He is a graduate of ESSEC's PhD program (2011).

He has been involved in executive education for many years and is the academic co-director of Metalab and ESSEC Online. He also directed the Executive Master Leading International Industrial Projects, and founded the Executive Master in Digital Transformation. He is a regular speaker and consultant to numerous companies on issues relating to technology adoption and governance. In 2023, he led the French part of an OECD global study on the adoption of artificial intelligence in organizations. His research is regularly published in leading academic journals.

He will retain his role as Academic Director of ESSEC Online, in line with the development, digitalization and hybridization of all ESSEC’s programs.

Roméo Tédongap - Dean of Faculty, Professor of Finance

Roméo Tédongap, Professor of Finance, joined ESSEC Business School in 2016 as an Associate Professor. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Fundamental Computer Science from the University of Dschang in Cameroon (2000) and an engineering degree in Statistics and Economics from ENSEA in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire (2003). He completed his PhD in Economics at the University of Montreal (2008).

Before joining ESSEC, he began his academic career in 2007 as an Assistant Professor in Finance at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), where he was promoted to Associate Professor in 2013. At SSE, he led the PhD program in finance and distinguished himself through his research in nonstandard empirical asset pricing and portfolio choice.

At ESSEC, he was promoted to Professor in 2017 and coordinated the Finance specialization of the doctoral program from 2018 to 2021. He also served as Associate Dean and Director of Research from 2018 to 2024 before being elected Dean of Faculty. His research focuses on asymmetric investors' attitudes toward risk in the presence of macroeconomic uncertainty and systemic changes. His leadership of the ESSEC faculty is expected to be centered on academic excellence and institutional cohesion.

Ha Hoang - Director of Research, Professor of Management and Corporate Strategy

Ha Hoang, Professor of Entrepreneurship in the Management Department, joined ESSEC after holding several academic positions in the United States and France. A graduate of the University of Chicago, she earned her PhD at the University of California, Berkeley.

She began her academic career at Case Western Reserve University in 1996, where her work focused on entrepreneurship and strategic alliances between startups and established companies. She later continued her career in the Entrepreneurship Department at INSEAD, studying the performance factors of strategic alliances and the development of entrepreneurial identity.

Since joining ESSEC in 2008, she has continued to supervise PhD students while deepening her research on her previous work. Alongside her research activities, she has played an active role in the school's governance, notably serving as the head of the Management Department from 2018 to 2022.


If you would like to learn more, or to speak with someone from ESSEC Business School, please contact Georgina at



ESSEC, founded in 1907, is one of the world’s top management schools and holds the “triple crown” accreditation from EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA. With 7,550 students; a faculty comprised of 152 full-time professors and 25 emeritus professors, in France and Singapore, recognized for both the quality and influence of their research; a wide range of management training programs; partnerships with the world’s best universities; and a network of 69,000 alumni, ESSEC continues to foster a tradition of academic excellence and a spirit of openness in the fields of economics, social sciences and innovation. In 2005, ESSEC opened a campus in Asia. ESSEC’s operations in Asia Pacific, strategically located in Singapore, present the perfect foothold for ESSEC to be part of the vibrant growth of Asia and to bring its expertise to the expanding region. Additionally, in 2017 ESSEC opened a new campus in Rabat, Morocco. ESSEC’s international expansion allows students and professors to study and understand the economic forces at work in the different regions of the world. For any additional information, please visit

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