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George Kruis and Dominic Day

-World’s first cross contamination testing for a CBD product ensures athletes can benefit from CBD with guaranteed provenance-

London, UK. 29 May 2019 - fourfiveCBD, founded by professional rugby players George Kruis (Saracens and England) and Dominic Day (Saracens and Wales) today announced the availability and launch of its 0% THC, CBD product aimed at professional athletes. fourfiveCBD 0% THC is the first and only product in the world to also be third-party tested and certified for cross contamination of banned substances. These services have been provided by a leading international third-party provider of testing and certification, BSCG (Banned Substances Control Group).

The launch of fourfiveCBD 0% THC comes as a direct response to demand from fellow professional athletes, coaches and medical teams who have seen the benefits of taking CBD, but have, until now had concerns about the provenance of products currently available on the market.

Now, professional athletes who are subject to testing, can enjoy the benefits that CBD can offer, safe in the knowledge that fourfiveCBD contains 0% THC and has been thoroughly tested for any cross contamination of banned substances.

fourfiveCBD was founded by two professional rugby players Dominic Day and George Kruis. The two have developed a line of natural CBD products to help aid recovery and help with the rigours of contact sport. The new product was developed after the pair realised there was a need for a CBD product that was tested to the highest standards. With the new 0% THC product, anyone that is drug tested can use CBD in confidence.

fourfiveCBD 0% THC oil is available today from the webstore priced at £74.99 including delivery. Each 30ml bottle contains around 240 sprays of 100% natural CBD. There are 1000mg of CBD in each bottle. All fourfiveCBD products are guaranteed to be free from pesticides and herbicides and are also vegan and vegetarian friendly.

“fourfiveCBD is delighted to be the world's first CBD product to be approved by BSCG. As a BSCG Certified Hemp® product, fourfiveCBD’s 0% THC ensures that professional athletes can now take CBD with total peace of mind that our product is free from cross contamination of banned substances, synthetic chemicals and problematic ingredients," said Dominic Day, co-founder and director, fourfiveCBD.

“As professional athletes ourselves, we have responded to the market demand for a 0% THC and cross contamination checked product which has guaranteed provenance. Now, any athlete who wants to try CBD can do so with complete confidence. We’ve also created this new product with coaches and medical teams in mind who can now recommend a product to athletes that has been comprehensively tested. If you’re an athlete or part of a team around an athlete and you’re considering the use of a CBD product that hasn’t been tested for 0% THC and cross contamination of banned substances, we’d strongly advise against it.”

BSCG offers a complete suite of product testing and certification programs that protect against drugs or other harmful agents, and recently introduced BSCG Certified Hemp™, the first broad-spectrum international third-party hemp certification program.

“We’re pleased that fourfiveCDB 0% THC, a professional athlete-driven product developed for other professional athletes, happens to be our first official BSCG Certified Hemp™ product,” said Oliver Catlin, BSCG President. "Smart athletes who want to protect their health, their reputations and their sports are always better off choosing supplements and other products that have been rigorously tested by a top third-party certification provider like BSCG.”


Notes to editor:

What is CBD?
Known as cbd, cannabidiol is a natural compound found in hemp. We extract it using CO2 then mix it with coconut oil to create our cbd oil.

Is CBD legal?
Yes, cbd is legal. It has also been a permitted substance on professional athlete’s drug tests, listed by WADA and Global Dro, since January 2018. While cbd is legal throughout the EU, we still recommend caution when travelling with it. When travelling outside of Europe we strongly recommend not bringing your fourfive cbd.

What benefits can CBD deliver?
Similar to how vitamins are used to boost the immune system, cbd can be used to supplement the endocannabinoid system (ecs). The ecs is the body’s main regulatory system and is involved in mediating the physiological and cognitive effects of physical exercise.

Why test for cross contamination of banned substances?
fourfiveCBD 0% THC is the first CBD product in the world to be third-party tested and certified for cross contamination of banned substances. With this highest level of provenance, athletes can now benefit from CBD – with total peace of mind.


About fourfiveCBD
fourfiveCBD is committed to providing the highest quality CBD products on the market, which are suitable for both professional and casual athletes. Our range of products include: oils, capsules and balms.

About BSCG
BSCG (Banned Substances Control Group) applies the Olympic standard of drug testing to quality control of dietary supplements and natural products. Founded in 2004 by renowned sports anti-doping scientist Don H. Catlin, M.D., executive Oliver Catlin, and attorney Ryan Connolly, BSCG helps shield consumers from banned substance contamination or other quality concerns that may tarnish supplements and related products. BSCG offers a complete suite of testing and certification programs that protect against drugs or other harmful agents, providing security to brands as well as consumers.

For further fourfiveCBD press information, please contact:
Dan Walsh
tel: 01753 656661

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