North West Hampshire Business Set to Make Personal Injury Claims Scientific

If we want to get the cost of insurance lowered and made more affordable we need to get medical reporting fixed
CEO of Aldermaston-based Beacon Independent Medical Examiners Phillip Kizun met today with Kit Malthouse, MP for North West Hampshire, to discuss how personal injury claims are reported in the UK and the need to tackle rising insurance premiums.
Beacon Independent Medical Examiners (Beacon IME) is determined to drive down the cost of expensive insurance premiums and bring savings to people across Britain. The business is using the latest in medical science to provide an innovative and modern service giving insurers the ability to ensure genuine injuries are correctly compensated while cutting out fraud and exaggeration.
Phillip Kizun explains, “Motor and medical insurance policy premiums continue to spiral. Insurers tell the public they need to pass on the costs of exaggeration and fraud. Whiplash and other hard-to-diagnose injuries are the supposed culprits. Insurance companies promised during the last government that the reforms they pressed for would pay dividends and bring them savings to pass on to consumers. The reforms happened but the savings never materialised.
"Now insurers are pressing for further reforms, suggesting that legislation that does away with cash compensation for soft tissue injuries will bring savings. Is compensation the real issue? No. The solution is objective, science-based medical evidence.
“The time taken in gathering information and coming to a concluding opinion is costing insurers and their clients valuable time and money. This causes insurance premiums to raise for the insurance buying public. The best practise would be for claims to be evaluated and settled on scientific facts. This way claims could be more accurately settled and fraud and exaggeration weeded out, even in cases where things appear complicated.
“It’s time someone finally came clean with the public and our elected officials. If we want to get the cost of insurance lowered and made more affordable we need to get medical reporting fixed.”
Mr Malthouse, who is also a qualified chartered account, commented, “Phillip Kizun and the team at Beacon IME should be congratulated on their insightful and ethical business proposition.
“The methodology used by Beacon IME has proved successful in places such as Australia, Canada and the United States. I would recommend taking a close look at their approach which may provide a fairer deal to everyone.”
Beacon IME is the first independent company in the UK to use science-based medical reporting. For more information, please contact Beacon Independent Medical Examiners - Unit 4, Minerva House, Calleva Park, Aldermaston, Berkshire, RG7 8JN, or you can call 01256 951 050 or visit
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If you would like an interview Beacon IME CEO Phillip Kizun please do not hesitate to get in touch and we will be happy to arrange this.
Further information and high resolution images are available on request.
Media information provided by Famous Publicity. For more information please contact Adam Betteridge at or 0333 344 2341 or Tina Fotherby at or 07703 409 622.
About Beacon IME
Beacon IME provides scientific, evidence-based expert medical assessments for insurers, lawyers, employers and public bodies that process personal injury and occupational health claims. Their products and services facilitate efficient claim closure, thereby reducing reserves, leakage and costs.
The majority of the United Kingdom’s Medical Reporting Organisations (MROs), which provide services to claimants’ legal advisors, rely upon referral fees, volume and lowest cost providers. Beacon IME’s experience indicates that MRO reports regularly contain unverified findings, possibly overlooking fraudulent claims which claims handlers are generally uncomfortable to challenge.
Beacon IME’s team of specially trained experts provide professionals with accurate validity of medical damages claims to settle cases precisely and quickly.
Currently, no other organisation offers a methodology for assessing the quality of evidence used to determine settlements and to provide insurers with court reports.
Beacon IME offers significant competitive advantage based upon its unique access to medical expertise, records and growing knowledge base.
Beacon IME’s clinical lead consultant Dr Marjorie Eskay-Auerbach MEAMD is a highly regarded US-based spine surgeon and bar certified lawyer and has been instrumental in establishing their high standards.
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