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Bitcoin Infographic

In the 9 years since Bitcoin was created, the value has increased by an incredible 309,588,525%!

In 2010 it took 10,000 Bitcoins to buy 2 large pizzas and have them delivered. Based on today’s value that’s the equivalent of £30,958,852 per pizza!

That kind of return on investment was certainly unexpected so we’ve taken a look at some other surprising items who’s value has increased way beyond expectation.

Download our infographic to see some surprising results

Action Comics #1

2,052,000,000 % increase

In 1938 a copy of the original Action Comics #1 would have cost you 10cents. One sold at auction in 2018 for
$2,052,000 – an increase of over 2million percent!

JK Rowling’s writing chair

2,780,000% increase

Items linked to a piece of history can be worth large sums. The £10 chair used by JK Rowling when she wrote the first Harry Potter book sold for £278,000 in 2016 – a staggering increase of over 2 and a half million percent!

Philippe Patek 1518 Watch

491,683% increase

Certain watches can be a great investment, but some have seen incredible increases in value. A Phillipe Patek 1518 Stainless Steel watch cost $2,265 in 1944 when it was made but one sold for $11,136,642 in 2016 – an increase of nearly 500,000 percent!

Ferrari 250 GTO

268,888% increase

In 1962 a Ferrari 250 GTO cost $18,000. One sold at action last year for $48,400,000 – an increase of over 200,000 percent.

Shares in Hasbro Toys

104,000% increase

The return on shares can vary greatly but some shares have unexpectedly seen a massive increase in value. £10 of Hasbro toys shares brought in 1980 were worth £10,400 by 2018 – an increase of over 100,000 percent

Apple 1 Computer

56,250% increase

Vintage computers have massively increased in value over recent years. An Apple 1 would have cost you $666.66 in 1976 but one sold for $375,000 in 2018 – an increase of over 56,000 percent.

Macallan Valerio Adami 1926 Whiskey

5,653% increase

Rare Whisky has overtaken wine as a good investment. In 1993 £15,000 bought a bottle of Macallan Valerio Adami 1926. This is now worth £848,000 – an increase of over 5500 percent.

The Hobbit

2,740% increase

Certain books have grown in popularity after being made into a film. A first edition of the Hobbit cost £5,000 in 1996 but one sold for £137,000 in 2015 – an increase of over 2,700 percent.

Sometimes the best returns can come from surprising sources so look for ways to get ahead of the trend and you might just find you’ve made a great investment for the future.


Notes to editors

•Download infographic here

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Phoebe Griffits
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