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Many service-based businesses have reported an increase in their appointment no-show rates as they reopened, which can result in permanent business closures. Beauty salons, gyms, spas, non-essential retail shops have been struggling to reopen after lockdown and now they are facing an increase in no-shows. With a reduced capacity over the last few months, this is yet another blow.

More and more traditionally un-booked sectors, such as high street shops and gyms, have turned to appointment scheduling software to ensure a safe and well managed reopening.

10to8, the global booking software company, is joining the #NoMoreNoShows campaign to help service-based businesses worldwide get back on their feet. The Cambridge-based company’s goal is to expand the #NoMoreNoShows campaign’s reach from hospitality to all service-based businesses, be it hair salons, car repairs, banks, and even health clinics.

The goal is to:
- Educate customers about the damage missed appointments cause in already mangled industries
- Provide businesses with ready-made resources they can utilise
- Empower them to communicate their difficulties in a positive way that is not harmful to their brand
- Ultimately, get their no-show rates under control

10to8 is built to minimise no-shows, and now has developed a vast #NoMoreNoShows resource library that business owners can use to educate customers and communicate with them clearly and efficiently. The resources include:
- Re-shareable written content and research on the impact of appointment no-shows
- Downloadable and re-shareable visuals, infographics, and other designs
- Editable social media templates
- Tried and tested SMS and email reminder templates

Find all resources here

Spread the word about the movement that aims to rid the world of costly no-shows. Share the templates and use the #NoMoreNoShows hashtag.

Contact details
Anna Kocsis|Head of Marketing
Mobile: 07480314104

About the #NoMoreNoShows campaign
The movement started in Greater Manchester to ‘stop the devastating effects of no shows’ on the hospitality industry. Abi Dunn of hospitality recruitment business Sixty Eight People and Antonia Lallement from Gusto Italian launched the #NoMoreNoShows campaign. The initiative aims to create awareness around the ‘no show’ issue among consumers.

At 10to8, we are joining the #NoMoreNoShows campaign to help businesses educate their customers in a positive but effective way about the impact of missed bookings and last-minute cancellations. We have significant knowledge about no-shows and have done much research on how to eliminate them. Now we are sharing all our resources with the goal to empower businesses to get rid of costly no-shows once and for all.

About 10to8
10to8 is appointment scheduling software that makes bookings happen. Based in Cambridge, UK, it is used by over 100,000 businesses worldwide including health clinics, universities, banks, beauty salons, retail franchises and even alpaca farmers. 10to8’s customers include Expedia, Yale University, Accenture, The Financial Times, and more.

10to8 was developed to rid the world of wasted time. It automatically schedules bookings, gets businesses online and eliminates no-shows through smart communications. We take the wasted time spent managing the average appointment down from 10 minutes of scheduling-hell to 8 seconds of simplicity.

This press release was distributed by ResponseSource Press Release Wire on behalf of Ltd in the following categories: Food & Drink, Business & Finance, Media & Marketing, for more information visit