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  • Use relevant keywords in your headline. This will help search engines index your release. more info

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    • (Optional) but recommended to improve online visibility: Enter up to 10 comma separated keywords or phrases. more info

    Set date
    • We aim to have standard releases processed within three hours and priority service releases processed within 15 minutes. These commitments apply weekdays between 0900 and 1700 GMT/BST excluding UK Bank Holidays. Releases submitted outside of office hours may be processed the next working day. For out of hours distribution schedule your release in advance.

    Choose your categories

    The pricing structure is as follows (your current selection is in bold):

    • Up to three distribution categories: £85
    • Four to ten distribution categories: £105
    • More than ten distribution categories: £130


    Select the distribution option for your press release. more info

    • Twitter distribution is currently unavailable

    Samples and giveaways
    • Tick this box if your release specifically mentions samples, reader offers, review products or invitations for journalists. more info